Low Carb Diet French Doctor

Low Carb Diet French Doctor

The humiliation of Dr Dukan: His 'miracle' diet made him millions. But after being banned as a doctor in his native France, is his empire about to crumble?

  • Carole Middleton, Katherine Jenkins and J-Lo have tried the Dukan Diet
  • More than 11million copies of his book have sold worldwide
  • But diet guru has been slammed by France's national medical board for 'breaching ethical regulations'
  • Experts have criticised his four step diet plan as nutritionally unbalanced
  • Some dieters have gone on to regain the weight they lost

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A huge painting of an impossibly slim and sexy woman, spread-eagled and completely naked, greets visitors to diet guru Pierre Dukan's beautifully-appointed consulting room in an expensive Paris neighbourhood.

Not exactly what one expects in your average doctor's surgery, but the implication is clear: believe in me and miracles can happen.

In the grand tradition of the travelling snake-oil salesman, Dukan sells dreams and - until this month when he was hit by a damning French official report branding him deceitful and unethical — he has done so hugely successfully.

Discredited: Nutritionist and dietitian Dr Pierre Dukan

Discredited: Nutritionist and dietitian Dr Pierre Dukan

Their slimming secret? Jennifer Lopez and Pippa Middleton are said to have tried the controversial diet

Their slimming secret? Jennifer Lopez and Pippa Middleton are said to have tried the controversial diet

Their slimming secret? Jennifer Lopez and Pippa Middleton are said to have tried the controversial diet

An international weight loss phenomenon, he is credited with helping squeeze the Duchess of Cambridge into her wedding dress and with working similar slimming marvels on Kate's mother, Carole, and sister, Pippa.

Other celebrities who have followed his regime - usually to shed pounds after having a baby - include Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz, Gisele Bundchen and Welsh opera singer Katherine Jenkins. And it wasn't just faddy showbusiness stars who became converts.

After interviewing Dukan on Woman's Hour, Jenni Murray started down his calorie-busting path. Even President Francois Hollande reportedly adopted the Dukan diet so he could have more luck reining in his expanding waistline than he has had with runaway French spending.

And where stick-thin celebrities lead, the public is sure to follow. Dukan's diet book, published in France in 2000 and the UK in 2010, has sold more than 11 million copies worldwide, been translated into 14 languages and published in 32 countries.

Middleton dieters: Pippa, Kate and Carole were all said to follow the Dukan Diet before the royal wedding

In the family: As well as Pippa, Kate and Carole were said to follow the Dukan Diet before the royal wedding

An international phenomenon, he launched an online diet 'coaching' business as well as online shops. There are enough Dukan books for a library, including The Dukan Diet Life Plan, The Complete Dukan Cookbook and Dukan: The Oat Bran Miracle. Last year, his company registered a turnover of £33 million.

The charming, dapper Frenchman knows who to thank. When asked to explain his success in Britain, he said simply: 'It works, and Carole Middleton.'

In late 2010, Mrs Middleton went on record about his diet to say she had been 'doing it for four days and I've lost 4lb'.

For many, the Dukan Diet did produce extraordinary, even life-changing, results. But there were always rumblings of dissent about his quick-fix diet formula of rapid weight loss tied to a strict regimen of 72 protein rich foods and a blanket 'non' to fats and carbohydrates.

Hadn't this been tried before with the Atkins diet, some asked. But who cared so long as he was winning the war on our waistlines?

The Carole effect: Dr Dukan said Mrs Middleton's endorsement was a huge factor in his success in Britain

The Carole effect: Dr Dukan said Mrs Middleton's endorsement was a huge factor in his success in Britain

Now, though, the Dukan phenomenon is falling to pieces before our eyes. The 72-year-old nutritionist has been censured in the strongest terms by France's national medical board for 'breaching ethical regulations' in prescribing the drug Mediator, an amphetamine derivative believed to have killed up to 1,800 people in France, to a patient who wanted to lose weight.

'In resorting to untruthful assertions, Dr Dukan displayed behaviour which lacks probity and discredits the profession,' reads the medical board's ruling. He was given an eight-day ban from practising medicine and ordered to pay £5,160 in legal costs to the complainant. He denies wrongdoing and has said he will appeal.

The penalties are purely symbolic as Dukan voluntarily struck himself off the doctors' register last year after complaints. But it is a huge blow to the image and reputation of a man who has long traded on being a respected medical practitioner rather than a quack.

The contents of the ruling are certainly damning. It says he prescribed a hugely controversial drug outside its main recommended use in treating overweight diabetics, and performed insufficient tests or follow-up checks.

He also lied about the time frame of the prescription and about the patient's medical history. Mediator - which was never approved in the UK or U.S. - was used for years in France on women who wanted to lose weight quickly. But it was withdrawn there in 2009 after the French health ministry blamed it for killing at least 500 people from heart-valve damage.

Dukan's patient - identified simply as 'Marie-Claude' in the French media - went to him to lose weight in 1971. Years later, she discovered she suffered heart-valve damage which experts traced to Mediator.

Will this spell the end for Dukan's diet empire? It is certainly true that he has never been branded a liar before. But the depressing truth is that the medical establishment has been attacking his dubious miracle claims for years, and yet people continue to flock to his banner.

Unsustainable: Daily Mail columnist Jenni Murray regained the weight she lost

Unsustainable: Daily Mail columnist Jenni Murray regained the weight she lost

On one level, it is easy to see the attraction. The four-step diet is helpfully simple and prescriptive, unfolding with all the determined precision of a military assault.

Step One is called the 'Attack' phase - two to seven days of eating as much as you want of 72 almost pure protein foods such as fish, lean meat, skimmed milk and fat-free cottage cheese.

Step Two - 'Cruise' - involves continuing to eat the high-protein foods together with 28 types of carb-free vegetables such as brussels sprouts and spinach.

Dukan calls Step Three 'Consolidation', adding fruit, bread, cheese and starchy foods.

Step Four is 'Stabilisation', where you supposedly eat what you like without regaining weight, apart from on Thursdays when you must stick to meat and eggs. For the rest of your life.

Medical critics have long argued it is dangerous, as are all heavily unbalanced diets. In 2011, it was voted the year's worst diet by the British Dietetic Association - worse even than those that advocate binge drinking or eating according to blood group.

'There is absolutely no solid science behind this at all,' an association spokesman said. 'This works on restricting foods, calories and portion control. Cutting out food groups is not advisable.'

Others have put it rather more forcefully. In the same year, Dukan lost a slander case against Jean-Michel Cohen, a nutritionist who told a French magazine the Dukan diet could cause 'serious health problems' such as a steep rise in cholesterol, cardiovascular problems and breast cancer. The hearing did not judge the case on scientific or health grounds but solely in relation to the slander claims.

Last year, it emerged that Ashley Harrison, a 50-year-old British advertising company boss, was left in a coma after trying the Dukan diet. He recovered, but experts later confirmed he had suffered ammonia poisoning because of a genetic disorder that left him unable to get rid of the large amount of nitrogen - a by-product of protein breakdown - building up in his body.

Bestseller: But the Dukan method has been criticised

Bestseller: But the Dukan method has been criticised

Dukan was lambasted last year when he suggested France tackled its obesity problem (yes, even France has one, though Dukan trades heavily off his country's reputation for slender women) by giving extra marks to secondary school students who lost weight or stayed thin. Critics accused him of trying to create a nation of anorexics.

A different criticism that should surely register with his followers is that - in the long term - many believe it simply doesn't work. Jenni Murray told in the Mail how she had lost 5st on the Dukan Diet, only to put it all back on again just as quickly. She was hardly alone.

A survey of 5,000 French 'Dukanians', as followers are known, found 35 per cent regained the weight within a year, and 80 per cent had put it back on within four years.

Dukan's cunning solution has been simply to adapt his diet with new books, such as this year's Dukan Diet Desserts And Patisseries.

Dukan says he developed the diet in the Seventies as a humble GP when a patient asked him how he could lose weight without giving up meat. He has always insisted his methods are safe and healthy, claiming that he would never endorse his diet for anyone 'who is healthy and at their right weight'. But how many women in the world think they are at their 'right weight'?

It seems like a recipe for disaster for anyone to start a radically different eating regime merely because a self-appointed expert says you should. But, as Pierre Dukan and his ilk know only too well, dieting 'experts' are preaching to a congregation of the desperate.

Low Carb Diet French Doctor

Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2367537/Diet-guru-Dr-Pierre-Dukan-banned-doctor-France.html


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